JBPL has been please to assist Bloor Homes Eastern with the delivery of a Reserved Matters planning permission on their site north of High Street, Walton, Felixstowe.
The scheme centred around the delivery of a link road and 2x roundabouts between Candlet Road to the north and High Street to the south. 366 new dwellings were proposed, along with a central linear park, public open spaces, and land for a pre-school.
The site followed an earlier Outline consent, and a Design Brief Compliance Statement, which set out specific details for the different Character Areas identified across the site, including storey-heights; key features; and building materials to be used. Rain gardens were introduced as an innovative feature into the layout, during the course of the application process.
JBPL and Bloor Homes working collaboratively with Officers from East Suffolk Council and Suffolk County Council, as well as engaging with Felixstowe Town Council.
The proposed development was approved by East Suffolk Planning Committee on Monday 7th March 2022.