After securing an Outline planning consent in early 2021, JBPL were pleased to follow up on this success by helping Bloor Homes Eastern secure a Reserved Matters consent for 86 units on land at School Road, Elmswell.
Landscaping, Appearance, Design and Scale were all considered as part of the application. 86 new dwellings will be provided, which includes 30 affordable homes and 10 bungalows. Landscaping, open spaces, and land for a pre-school were also included within the proposals.
Key aspects of the scheme related to a number of highways improvements that had been secured via the Outline consent.
These included: junction improvements; road widening; and provision of a significant portion of the ‘Elmswell-Woolpit footpath and cycleway’ link. Bloor will now be looking to deliver these important improvements, in tandem with the local community.
As well as benefiting from an Outline consent, the site has been identified for allocation within Elmswell by BMSDC in their emerging Joint Local Plan. It has also been included within the proposed Settlement Boundary for the village, by the draft Elmswell Neighbourhood Plan. The principle of development has therefore clearly been established for the site, with the District Council and local community wanting to see the site brought forward.
Nonetheless, Bloor were keen to continue to work with the local community, and invested a lot of time in effecting a positive working relationship with the Parish Council and Ward Member. JBPL were instrumental in assisting with this collaborative approach, which seems to have worked well for all parties, so far.
Following a lengthy Planning Committee, the proposed development was approved by Mid Suffolk Members on Wednesday 22nd June 2022.