On 29th November 2023, the JBPL team along with a few guests attended the 75th Annual Steele Bodgers Event. Each year this rugby fixture is held at the Cambridge University Rugby Club. The University team plays against a ‘Steele-Bodger’ XV side made up of invitational players from different clubs and cities.
The JBPL team had the pleasure of sharing the day with: Mark Chapman (Taylor Wimpey); Struan Power (Taylor Wimpey); Stephen Lee (Bloor Homes); Neil McManus (SCC); and Rob Evans (Cannon Consulting Engineers).
Overall, it was a very enjoyable day out, that was made up of networking and catching up over a few drinks with many past and present colleagues and friends.
Thank you to everyone that joined and for making it such a great day! We look forward to attending this successful corporate event next year!